Have you wanted to learn about or contribute to an ecovillage?

Here’s how…with our Work Trade Program! May - November 2022

We here at 3ndless 3arth 3covillage are excited to share our way of life with those that are committed to helping us build our first community housing structure on our beautiful property. We are welcoming up to 10 skilled work traders to come assist with this project as well as to help steward the organization’s growth towards infrastructural, social and economic development. 

MEET THE CREW at 333: Who We Are

As a host, we have specific requests and expectations that need to be agreed upon when arriving. First and foremost, we encourage you to know what you are wanting to receive from this experience to make sure there is an equal exchange, whether it be from enjoying the beauty of Cedar Springs, Jesus Maria Creek, sleeping to the sounds of the animals in the still quiet nights, the big clear sky above our abundant garden, our lovely surrounding community, or the technical aspects of our build.

There is a 10 day trail period to make sure we are all in alignment and we are a good fit for each other. You may be asked to leave at any given time in which you will have 24 hours notice to respectfully leave with our assistance if necessary. If you are requesting to leave for any reason, please let us know and we can arrange to assist your departure appropriately.

Here is a more detailed list of what you can expect from day to day projects, the work exchange, the living arrangements, community life, our values, and the expectations we as hosts have for you as we hold each other accountable for our actions.

We are very much off-grid on the land with minimal solar power, no wifi (the Library is closeby), and with only AT&T cellular service available.


The Work Exchange

  • We expect you to be proficient in using a tape measurer, basic math, cutting wood, utilizing basic carpentry tools and skills

  • We will work 8 hours a day 5 days a week with an hour for communal family-style lunch and relaxation

  • We will meet in the community kitchen everyday at 7am to get the daily project briefing

  • The Community House project is the priority with other projects that can be done bi-weekly such as: fixing trailers, gardening, preserving harvested foods, working at other people’s lands on their projects, keeping creek algae free, beautification of land and general organization

  • The weekends are free time for your choosing (except for scheduled Workshops) in which you will be given 2 days during the week off

  • Work days will begin early during hot months

  • Bulk staples (Oatmeal, Rice, Millet, Quinoa, Lentils, Black Beans, Lima Beans, and organic eggs from our chickens) will be offered for meals along with food that comes from our 1/2 acre garden. All other foods (meat, dairy, seafood, snacks, etc) will have a monthly budget that the group decides together to get. Anything over the budget will not be provided.

  • We encourage everyone to eat together but it’s not required

  • We have 3 Umuuchas (cedar bark tipis) -

    1 per work trader - as well as camping spots available along the creek and other parts of the property. There are also some trailers on the land that can be fixed up a bit for a comfortable stay. All have beds, sheets, blankets, and storage space.

  • We have a communal outdoor kitchen available for use. Clean drinking water. Pots, pans, and dishes provided. Bins will be provided for personal food items.

  • This is an opportunity for learning, sharing your gifts, helping our nonprofit organization, gaining experience and personal development skills, and enjoying yourself on this beautiful property and surrounding areas

  • We could also work with someone who has documentary/film skills. We want our story captured and shared during this building project! You need to have your own equipment (camera, mic, editing software) and be able to make short promo videos for us throughout the build as we do our workshops. The goal is to promote our cause to receive more financial support

    ***Please send us your reel and write how it impacted the organization you were helping. 3ndless3arth3covillage@gmail.com

Community Life

  • Everyone is responsible for maintaining and keeping personal space clean, organized, and improved upon (We will not be asking repeatedly for these things to be done. You will be asked to leave if this is a pattern of yours.)

  • When compost toilets are full empty them in 55 gallon drum and replace bucket along with toilet paper, ashes, and sawdust

  • Kitchen space must be kept clean, organized, and dishes washed after use

  • Keep shower use to once a day and use provided soaps, shampoos, and conditioners

  • During hot months and fire season NO FIRES are allowed

  • Everyone must be trained on Fire Drill protocols and escape routes

  • Chickens must be fed every morning, eggs collected, water clean, and kitchen compost provided every few days during hot months

  • Gardens must be kept watered, weeded, fertilized and tended on a weekly basis

  • There is no Wifi but closest place is MTN Ranch Resource center or San Andreas Library

  • Everyone must have their own means to travel or will rely on the community for going to town

  • Daily tasks and lists will be made and checked with initials so we know what is getting done and by whom

  • Know our Mission Statement and Values of the Land and be mindful of how you are representing 333 with the larger community - BE HONEST & Respectful

  • Privacy of other’s spaces must be respected; do not go into trailers, Umuuchas, tents, etc without asking first

  • If you buy your own food please label it accordingly or it will be considered a community item

  • Reduce noise at 10pm

  • If you are inviting guests over for the weekend, then please let the community know one week in advance

  • Weekends are yours to schedule (work for money, relaxing, exploring, etc)

  • Community outings and travel can be arranged

  • Let us know what your routines and practices are so we can support you

  • Have a project you want to take on that you see will help our organization and land? PLEASE send us your proposal for discussion

  • When there is conflict please go to the person you are in conflict with to resolve it or let the community know you need time in counsel or a mediator to resolve it

  • If your personal life is affecting your work life then let’s talk about it openly so we can help support each other, be more productive together, and feel more confident about our personal journeys


Values of the Land

  • Respect the land as we steward it

  • We are here to grow and uplift each other

  • Have some serious fun!

  • Create more ways to be grateful

  • Respect spaces and boundaries

  • Initiate healthy communication

  • We value skill sharing!

  • Ask questions; this is a place of learning

  • Seek counsel for conflict resolution

  • Community kitchen cleanliness

  • Ask before using power tools

  • Safety first; No obligations to perform

  • Alcohol and plant medicines for ceremonial use ONLY

  • No hunting, fishing, or scaring wildlife on the land

Work-Trade Program Application: Please fill out the application below and submit. We are looking for up to 10 individuals to join this building project so please be as detailed as possible. We appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting, working, and sharing our gifts with you!